woensdag 11 augustus 2010

Why, for crying out loud?!

We made this blog not only to entertain you, but especially ourselves. We don't see the world as black and white. We don't see people as a rase, religion, profession, sex or age, only as gay or straight. Why? Because that's the only thing that really matters.

But don't think we only talk about gay-issues, like gay rights, same-sex marriage or Cher's comeback. We talk about things that happens daily in our lives. We hope you'll enjoy it as much as we do, and if you don't you should stop reading this.

So who are we?
Well, we're two students living in The Netherlands. And before you ask: No, we don't have a relationship. Seriously, we don't! We can be big drama queens sometimes, but also very laid-back the rest of the time. Mostly we complain about everything that we don't, or sometimes do, like. Always with lots of self-mockery and even more humor. But there also will be serious content, depending on the things that happen to us.

That's it for now. Be sure to read our next blog.


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