woensdag 18 augustus 2010

Glitter, feather and leather.

Glitter, feather and leather. Is there anything gays can’t wear? Yes there is! It’s their own pride that has fallen. Pink, as a universal embraced colour for the gay-community, isn’t wearable for a gay. I always wondered why this is, what makes a queer with a pink shirt so wrong and oldfashioned? Even if a pink, tight shirt shows every muscle of the welltrained chest of the ultimate boyfriend perfectly, it always looks awkward. And eventually it strucked me.
This awkwardness is evoked because of the contrast pink raises. This is which makes this colour more suitable for a straight guy than a gay guy. The scene is automatically linked with pink. And so it isn’t a very fortcoming, fresh, new idea to wear and it sure isn’t a fashionstatement you want to make. The unaware thinking of a mans mind creates a certain edge aka contrast with a straight guy wearing such a shirt because the pink is linked to the gay-community. For them it IS a fashionstatement. Because this idea is unawarely been indoctrinated in our minds that straights have nothing to do with pink, and homosexuals do.
Unfortunatly we gays did it ourselves with our Prides, protest marches, etc. Don’t get me wrong. Those are certainly not bad things! But they do made us unable to wear our favorite colour ever again.


Nevertheless pink can suit someone well, even if that someone is gay. It can be a great add for blonds and brunettes. So don’t panic! Don’t throw all your pink clothes away. This blog is written to make you aware of what you're wearing and what meaning they can carry.

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